hanya sekedar iseng

Oh ya ada yg ketinggalan! By the way anyway busway.......wkwkwk-_- gue lagi suka ngedit foto trus nanti dikasih kaya quotes/tulisan gitu atau lebih gampangnya image with words! Nah lebih singkat deh noh wkwk okayyy let me show you the pictures! Fotonya baru dikit sih abis bingung mau ngedit pake foto siapa hehehe. Oh ya by the way if you have a plan to go to Bandung or you're in Bandung right now, you should try this food! You can find it in Paris Van Java in the ground floor near sogo under the escalator. Curious? Here's the photo it's called 'Paper Bread' Udah dulu yaaaaaa! Just wait for the next post!